“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible'.” - Audrey Hepburn
Your reality is often reflected in your thoughts.
Think negative things will happen and they probably will.
Only good happens to you? It more than likely does.
The best thing is that we’re in control of this even if we don’t realise it.
It’s called the cognitive triangle.
Our thoughts influence our feelings and emotions which influence our actions and behaviour.
So when our thoughts are predominately negative or look to protect us from standing out, that is what will show up for us in our lives.
I want to shout it out loudly and fiercely, IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY.
If you change your thoughts - make them conscious rather than just accepting the status quo - you can change your life.
So let’s start with the predominant thought that’s going on in your mind right now.
What is that? Is it a good thought or is it something that’s going to harm you.
You’re useless. Why would anyone take you seriously if that’s how you’re showing up.
What will other people think of me if I asked for more?
Any of these sound familiar?
Let’s look at ways that we can start changing the message.
Step 1 -
I’d love for you to get a piece of paper and on the left hand side write out all the thoughts that you say to yourself on a regular basis that you would never say to your best friend.
Let’s take a big one.
‘You’re going to fail if you do that just like you have done before’.
This is your brain trying to protect you. It’s remembering that one time when something didn’t go according to plan and you felt red hot embarrassment and annoyed with yourself that you tried in the first place. This might have happened a few months ago or many years.
Step 2 -
Think of an alternative thought that you can have and write it on the right hand side of the paper. This is usually something that you would say to someone you cared about.
This could be - Failure is part of the process. It is not a reflection on you but instead a sign that a few tweaks need to be made.
The mere act of writing these down helps start a new message in our heads.
Step 3 -
Remember this phrase and say it instead the next time the fear of failure comes up.
You can re-frame all of those limiting thoughts on the left hand side of the paper to something that encourages you rather than pulls you back.
It’s that simple to begin with - change your thoughts - change how you feel and then that will change how you behave.
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